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Raspberry Leaf Tea: A Mother’s Brew for Wellness


    The word raspberry comes from the word raspise which means ‘sweet rose colored wine’. Much like the name, raspberries are an edible fruit which come from the plant family of roses. These wine colored berries are sweet and tangy and are similar to blackberries.

    The exact source of origin may not be clear but raspberries are usually grown in winters and thrive in colder temperatures, so they are common in the colder areas of the world.

    Raspberries are a widely used fruit, with a sweet flavor but with an added tangy kick to it. It is very commonly used in desserts and various forms of it are available. It is eaten as fresh produce, it is dried, pureed, powdered, and used in many other forms as well.

    The reason why raspberries are so popular is because they are a great source of nutrition, they are full of antioxidants and micronutrients, and are a great source of dietary fibers, vitamin C, manganese, are low in sugar and have zero starch.

    People all over the world know about raspberries and their benefits, but the lesser known fact about raspberries is that the leaf of the raspberry is also jam packed full of nutrients and flavour. Raspberry leaf (fresh or dried) is widely consumed all over the world in the form of tea.

    What Is Raspberry Leaf Tea?

    Red raspberry leaf is categorized as a perennial plant which means that it is a flowering plant. The short springy green leaves of the raspberry plant are an ideal source of vitamin A, C, B complex, E and many other minerals. The raspberry leaf is mainly consumed in the form of tea which means it is brewed in hot water and the flavors are steeped into the water for consumption.

    What Is Raspberry Leaf Tea?

    Raspberry leaf tea is full of antioxidants which are good for your body, it helps relieve digestion and has a calming effect on your mind and body. Raspberry leaf tea has been linked with women’s health for a long time. It is known for its medicinal properties regarding fertility and hormone balancing, though ample research is yet to be done.

    Raspberry leaf tea is considered a herbal remedy and is often consumed by women for reproductive wellness and for fertility issues. It is very common to have raspberry leaf tea in pregnancy.

    Significance of Raspberry Leaf Tea in Pregnancy

    Raspberry leaf tea is quite commonly consumed during pregnancy for multiple reasons. It is an organic pregnancy tea which is naturally free of caffeine, so it is considered relatively safe as it doesn’t pose the risk of consuming caffeine during pregnancy.

    Tea is often a solace that women turn to during pregnancy. Tea is usually synonymous with feeling calm, feeling better and for relaxing the mind, and raspberry leaf tea does just that. Raspberry leaf tea ticks all the right boxes since it not green or black tea, thus the tannin levels are less in this tea and so you wouldn’t have to worry about iron deficiencies.

    There are many reasons why women consume raspberry leaf tea in pregnancy, the flavor has a good kick, it has sweet and slightly acidic undertones of flavor, much like the fruit itself, it is fruity and has a lovely aroma.

    There are multiple benefits that the tea has to offer, especially in the third trimester of your pregnancy.


    • It reduces labor time
    • Strengthens the uterus and prepares it for delivery
    • Relaxes the body and calms the nerves
    • Has anti-inflammatory properties
    • Helps with digestion
    • Full of antioxidants and other anecdotal properties

    It is often recommended to drink raspberry leaf tea during the end of your pregnancy, when you enter the third trimester as you can reap its full benefits during that phase.

    Is It Safe to Drink Raspberry Leaf Tea in Pregnancy?

    Though not a lot of research has been done on this topic, and it is always better to have ample research when sensitive topics such as pregnancy pop up, however, according to the existing literature available, it is safe to consume raspberry leaf tea in pregnancy and women have been doing it for a long time.

    Raspberry Leaf Tea for Pregnancy

    However, most women don’t do thorough research and end up with complications. Raspberry leaf tea is safe to consume in pregnancy but it should be consumed only in the third trimester and not in the early stages of pregnancy.

    Raspberry leaf tea is not recommended to be consumed in the early stage of pregnancy.

    – Belly Bumpy Ride


    There are quite a few risks attached to consuming raspberry leaf tea in the early stages of pregnancy. It has been reported that women have gotten complications which have led to fetal death as well. Some of the risks include:

    These are some of the risks associated with consuming raspberry leaf tea in pregnancy. This tea does not soften the cervix or does not induce labor either, it is only known to shorten labor.

    This does not mean that you should avoid raspberry leaf tea altogether, but you should know when to drink it and when to avoid it.

    When to Drink Raspberry Leaf Tea in Pregnancy?

    The ideal time to consume raspberry leaf tea is in the third trimester of your pregnancy, which is when you reach the 7th month of pregnancy. This is when you can reap all of the benefits that the tea has to offer.

    You should avoid this tea during the early stages of pregnancy, which is the first and second trimester, which means the first six months. You should also avoid this tea if you have a high-risk pregnancy, are at the risk of preterm labor or have gotten early contractions.

    How to Make Raspberry Leaf Tea

    There are many different methods of preparing raspberry leaf tea. You can use fresh or dried leaves for your tea, depending on what is available. The infusion time (how long you keep the tea leaves in) depends on your taste and on how strong you want the tea to be.

    How to Make Raspberry Leaf Tea

    The ideal way to prepare a good cup of raspberry leaf tea is to bring your water to a rolling boil, not a full boil. Then, turn off the heat and add your tea leaves and brew for 3-5 minutes. Strain the tea, and enjoy, or you can let the tea cool down, then add ice and enjoy a nice iced raspberry leaf tea.

    You can experiment with how strong you want the flavor to be, just keep in mind that the astringent flavor might get too strong for you if you are a new drinker.


    Raspberry leaf tea is a great beverage to have which is full of nutrients and are great for women’s health and well-being. Not just pregnant women, but women who have severe cramping during their period, who suffer from PMS, or are having general infertility issues.

    For pregnant women, this is a great organic and herbal remedy to quicken labor and ease your labor-related qualms. There are many companies that manufacture raspberry leaf tea, but the best ones with the most perfect blend are:

    1. Traditional Medicinals Organic Raspberry Leaf Tea
    2. Earth Mama Organic Third Trimester Tea
    3. Pure and Organic Biokoma Red Raspberry Dried Leaves
    4. Earth Mama Organic Raspberry Leaf Tea
    5. Yogi Raspberry Leaf Tea.

    If you are looking for a nice soothing cup of tea during the end of your pregnancy, then raspberry leaf tea is just the thing for you.

    For women in the early stages of pregnancy, there are many other alternatives such as rooibos tea or ginger tea that you can opt for.